

I was born in a 4,000-year-old country.

When I was 12, I convinced my parents to move to one of the youngest countries on earth. I told them, “Florida is way cooler than Istanbul.” Tragically, it’s not but a 12-year-old is likely to prefer tanning in Miami Beach to exploring the architectural wonders of the world’s most ancient city.  A few years later, I decided I was ready for another life-changing experience. So I chose to study in Syracuse, NY.

You can imagine how many times I’ve been asked why I fled sunny Florida to a place covered in snow for half the year. Too many.  

The answer is simple. I’m inspired by new experiences. I like taking risks, changing it up once in a while. That’s what drew me to the art of copywriting. My experiences fuel my writing.

That’s all for now, I must go create more fuel.